I head out in the dark
to catch the magic moment —
the crack of dawn
My dog runs ahead
her exuberance, her ecstasy
is contagious
I look West
and the full moon
is hanging high in the sky
by an etheric thread
I look East
and the dark sky begins to blaze
from the hidden sun
My big booted feet
take strong, giant steps
The crow of the roosters
Cheers me on
I turn and head for the wild
I lean against a huge boulder
and watch the bright full Moon
Slowly sink
The Earth feels like Eden
Like a playground
Where all we are asked to do
Is feel the forces of Life
The first light of day
A mixture of the sun and moon
Illuminates the world
Everything is aglow
Together we stand
Between the sun and the moon
In a field of joy
January 1, 2010, Dawn of the New Year, the river bottom, Ojai, California